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English EN Russian RU

Goals and objectives of the project «Menu.tj»

Menu is an information portal about interesting events in the life of Dushanbe.

Menu — this is an information portal, telling about interesting and urgent events in the life of the city of Dushanbe. With the help of a page on instagram and our site «Menu.tj» any inhabitant of the city can be informed about the events of the capital.

social media image

The project is completely free and is a support for our city in terms of advertising. We write about what is really interesting to the residents of Dushanbe. Every day in the capital city there are a lot of interesting events: concerts and festivals, thematic holidays, championships and competitions. We try to promptly publish the most interesting and useful news on our information sources.


Guides to popular establishments of the city, reviews, promotions and places to visit and rest — all this and much more daily in the spectrum of our attention.

Today the project «Menu» develops its creative boundaries and does not stand still, becomes even more convenient thanks to the operative work of the team. We improve our skills and pay great attention to the development of our website and social media «Menu.tj»

Every interested person can contact us about advertising. We will definitely consider your proposal and give an answer as soon as possible.


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